Section: New Results

Multi-fluid flows

  • Microfluidics : Participants: Charles-Henri Bruneau, Johana Pinilla (PhD), Sandra Tancogne (MCF Reims).

    To handle oil recovery by chemical processes it is useful to better understand the behaviour of multifluids flows in a saturated soil. The porous medium is mimiced by a network of micro channels. The simulation of immiscible multi-fluids flows is then performed by means of the level-sets and the penalization methods to track the interfaces between the fluids and to get rid of the geometry difficulties. In addition the Cox law is added in the model to better move the interfaces during the simulations.

    Concerning visco-elastic fluids in micro-channel, one has often to compute solutions of system for which the viscosity in the stokes part is much smaller than that involved in the extra-stress. In his thesis, V. Huber has constructed a second order scheme solving Stokes equations for a bifluid flow with surface tension on a cartesian grid using a mixte finite volume-finite element approach.